It has been about 4 weeks since Kiera has had any episodes at all! That includes pain and panic attacks. We are so grateful that we have had such a calm month! We also hit the 1 year anniversary from when her pain first started. It was the Very beginning of March that it first hit Kiera. Mark and I have been very apprehensive, and nervous coming into March. I don't know if it was memories of when it all started that came flooding in, or if we thought maybe it would start all over again, but we were very nervous for a while.
So we are keeping our fingers crossed and praying that we have seen the last of all the pain stress.
As we have reflected upon the stressful events of the last year, I have found that the memories are still fresh, and hard to deal with! Which is odd when I think about it.
One of the strangest associations I have with the hospital is eating salad. That is one of the only things I was able to eat from the cafeteria, that was gluten free, and discovered that after we got home from the hospital, I can't stand even the thought of eating salad! I used to CRAVE it, and eat it a lot!!! But its been VERY hard for me to even look at it! Strange!
We also had one day where Kiera started talking about pain in her feet and hands, and both Mark and I went instantly into a stress overload, and shut down! We couldn't handle the thought of going through all that again!
What I found interesting about this was, I thought I had been so strong, and able to handle it... but I guess it was harder on me then I thought!
Its been such a blessing for things to be nice and calm recently! And with summer coming, we can plan for summer fun!
So glad that she is feeling better (or on a better streak!) Oh gol I still nearly shut down when Sam gets sick (with all her asthma what what. Its been nearly 2 years since her hospitalization but I still get that panicky feeling and overwhelmed). You are in my prayers